Monday, July 14, 2014

Let's give this a try - Welcome!

I had this brilliant idea that if I start a blog it can help improve my writing and maybe lead me down a path to something great.  At least that is what I am hoping.  If not, then I will settle for improvements on my writing skillsI am hoping that it will strengthen my creativity and personality so I can apply this in real life.  I am not sure if my blog will have any substance. It may just be a bunch of ramblings of what is going on in my life or what's in my head.  But that is okay because this is my platform to help me find my direction and grow as an individual.  I am also hoping that this blog will help me not to feel so.....lost.  I say that I'm lost because I don't know what I want to do in my life.  I can't seem to see where I will be doing 5 years from now. I am currently in college majoring in Human Services and Psychology.  I know that I want to help people.  The question right now is How do I want to help them?  Money-wise I probably won't make much with a Bachelor's but that will okay as long as I love what I do.  I want to LOVE what I do!  If there is not passion for the things you do then more than likely won't work as hard for it.  I would have to continue on to a Master's then a Doctorate to make the kind of money that I would consider myself "rich" but that is just too much school!  Yes, I will say it! I'm not a school person.  I understand nothing comes without hard work.  So I'm just gonna blog, work, and take it one day at a time.  Life is unpredictable. You just never know where you will end up.  Hence, the title of my blog.  I really wanted to call my blog "trying to get somewhere" but it's already taken. Well that is what Google told me. I really liked that title better because I think a lot of people can really relate to that.  As I sit here right now at my 9-5 job that is exactly how I'm feeling.  I am trying to get somewhere in my life where I can better take care of myself and my family.  I would like to give credit to this blog.  I stumble on her blog from another blogger that I keep up with.  Lisa's blog gave me the push to just go ahead and write.  It doesn't hurt just to write.  It is actually therapeutic to write.  It can help me keep up with life's event because God knows how forgetful I can be. Let's just hope I can keep up with it.  Thanks for listening.

Make it Great,

1 comment:

  1. Linda, it's fantastic!! And I LOVE your title, even more so than "trying to get somewhere". I completely understand how vulnerable you feel, but I guarantee you that people reading your words will resonate with what you are saying. Keep on writing, you are a great writer and I cannot wait to read more!

    Thank you so much for the shoutout too, that's so kind of you.
